Slay Your Selfies

On the left is a normal before selfie of brand photographer Rosie Parsons with bad lighting that was just taken with a hand. On the right is an after photo where you can see both of Rosie's hands against a pink cafe wearing a pink heart jumper.

Slay Your Selfies

Slay Your Selfies

Slay Your Selfies

Slay Your Selfies

Slay Your Selfies

Slay Your Selfies

Slay Your Selfies

Women in Business: Stand out on LinkedIn and get more clients by taking scroll-stopping brand photos with your phone!

“The knowledge I gained is phenomenal! There’s no denying it, your stuff works, even for apparent photography lost causes like me! 🙌🎉”

- Harriet Randell-Nash, Transformation and Change Management Specialist

🔹 Are you a woman in business who wants to level up her personal brand on LinkedIn and Instagram?

🔹 Embarrassed by awkward selfies and know you’re not showing up for your business as you want to be seen?

🔹 Frustrated that you’re having to reuse your professional brand photos to death and have been seeing less and less engagement? Argh!

🔹 Want to show up on LinkedIn more often but can’t afford a photoshoot every time you need new content?

how would it feel if you could save time and money by taking your own brand photos (that you actually like of yourself!) on your phone, for free, for life! 😮🥳

trusted by over 10,000 students

Before selfie of Annette Cairns on a train compared to a fantastic professional looking photo of her speaking with a client which is also a selfie but taken on a tripod

Usually in selfies I’ve got a really cheesy grin or the lighting looks rubbish. I would end up taking selfies with silly expressions and they would make me cringe!

It’s really important to share nice photos of myself because I want people to have a flavour of what they're going to get on my programs and when i'm delivering training. you can’t get that across in stock photos.

I now feel much more competent in taking great photos and confident to create posts for LinkedIn.

I would 100% recommend the course - Rosie takes you through it in a really logical way and builds your skills as you go.”

Annette Cairns - Leadership Development, Green Shed Talent

No More Awkward

No More Awkward

No More Awkward

No More Awkward

No More Awkward

No More Awkward

No More Awkward

If you want to get your business noticed on LinkedIn and Instagram, it’s not good enough to bore your audience with the same rehashed headshots (that don’t even look like you anymore!) time and time again, or bash out unprofessional, low-quality selfies which undermine your expertise.

Before & After photos with Slay Your Selfies (yep I promise they’re just selfies!)

Learn how to get a good pic for your profile with slay your selfies - photo of normal boring selfie before compared to a colourful selfie working in a cafe after the course
brand photographer rosie parsons smiles and holds a red iphone

Hi, I’m Rosie!

The brand photographer for the boldest and brightest women in business!

With my easy-to-follow 5-step online course Slay Your Selfies you’ll learn how to master your phone with a tripod so you can take stunning professional-looking self-portraits for your LinkedIn profile, email newsletters and your website whenever you need them!

Here’s what you’ll get:

easy step by step method, perfect for even the most tech-phobic beginners

no need for fancy equipment - just your phone and a tripod

weekly check-ins for accountability to keep you on track!

facebook group so you can get personal feedback and advice on your photos

office hours each week for any help needed with tech issues or questions

exclusive invites to member only in person content creation days at beautiful locations where rosie will be on hand to help you set up your shots.

learn how to look good in photos - photo one shows a blurred close up selfie of a jeweller and the after photo shows her working behind the scenes and smiling like a professional photoshoot

“To be honest I was full of trepidation about taking the course. I don’t judge others for posting nice photos of themselves online, but when it comes to myself it felt a bit vain to put that much thought into it.

But I do think being in pictures is really important because you want to show the person behind the handmade products - that they aren’t made in some sweatshop in China. To show the process and the work that goes into the jewellery.

The images from the course are so much better than even my “official” images by a professional! It makes such a difference getting the right set up - to get the casually messy ‘you just caught me at work’ look - but have it all on brand!

The course is very practical and I particularly enjoyed the posing module. I feel a lot more confident about taking photos of myself now and knowing what goes into making a great picture. I feel like I’ll be able to show my processes a lot more and it will really help the business.”

Sarah De Larrinaga - Sarah De Larrinaga Jewelry

learn how to look good in pictures - the first image shows laura's before selfie close up and the after photo shows her further away smiling in bright yellow sitting on a chair

“I took this course because I just use my phone mostly for messaging and checking email so I needed to learn how to take some of my pictures of myself. I always feel so self conscious taking pictures. So I've usually had professionals do that. But obviously, most of us would rather save money if we could do it ourselves.

I feel much better about taking my own photos now. I’ve learned how to make myself feel comfortable and confident on camera. There have been so many little things that I didn't even know were possible with my phone.”

Laura Akano - Etiquette Coach, Polished Manners

Slay Your Selfies

The easy-to-follow, 5 step method I use as a professional photographer to create beautiful brand photos for my clients and now it can be the technique you use to create your own brand photos with your phone too!

how to look better in pictures - kelly farr has her before selfie in a car and her after one further away posing in a leopard print dress

“Selfies have their place, but I wanted my business to come across as being credible and more professional than that. I didn’t want my social media letting me down and people missing out on working with me because they judged the quality of my services based on poor selfies.

I started the course as a complete beginner and I found it really fun.

One of the techniques even made me feel 20 years younger!

If you want to be able to take awesome photos of yourself, you need this course in your life!

Kelly Farr, YourNorth Mental Health Training

how to look better in photos - nina has a very close up selfie and then a much better one where she sits on her walking aid in a kitchen

“I’m a coach and am coming back to work after having been away for about 18 months because of health issues. I wanted to have a positive and celebratory way to explain where I've been and what I've been doing.

Since taking the course I am much more confident. It's amazing the difference the tips have made.

I’ve loved the encouragement and being in a group of people who are trying to do the same thing and feeling really supported.

It's amazing to find a way to get exposure that is budget friendly and sustainable.

Having the freedom to do this myself means that I can do photos on days when I feel I have the energy for it.

You're not going to be able to figure this stuff out on your own. This course has absolutely transformed how I think about taking photos and also how I feel about myself.”

Nina Farr, The Conflict Cure

brand photographer rosie parsons sits outside peggy porschen in london wearing pink and red and laughing

Yes this is
selfie taken on my phone!

imagine being able to take professional looking photos of yourself for your business… whenever you need content for your newsletter, linkedin or instagram - without needing to pay a brand photographer!

no more feeling embarrassed about your online presence

no more overwhelm about posting on linkedin because you don’t have the images to go with your text

no more feast or famine months - after this course you’ll have photos to be able to market yourself anytime you need them!

shoot your own photos that will stand out from your competitors

be seen as a thought-leader in your industry

have unlimited beautiful looking photos and show your personality to make a deeper connection with your audience

Taking your own professional-looking brand photos is completely achievable - let me show you how we’ll do it! 👇


Enrol in slay your selfies with one easy click


Work through the 5 Slay Your Selfies modules And share each week’s business based photo challenge on your socials


Elevate your online presence and be able to take gorgeous new photos you’ll love whenever you want

Connect with your audience, build your tribe and enjoy watching new opportunities, sales and enquiries roll in!

Let’s do this

Let’s do this

Let’s do this

Let’s do this

module one:

Set up your phone for success: What settings to use and how (one student said this module was worth the price of the course alone!)

Photo Editing Made Easy:

The easy way to make your photos pop and give them a final polish.

Follow along with my step-by-step editing techniques for Android and iPhone that will add an extra layer of professionalism to your shots for LinkedIn and Instagram.

What’s inside Slay Your Selfies

module two:

Poses That Flatter: How to look good in photos! We’ll look at how to pose to bring out our best features and disguise any problem areas such as double chins, tummy area, awkward hands and how to avoid cheesy Chandler-style smiles.

module three:

Finding Beautiful Light: Look 20 years younger by learning how to find the best light. Get radiant, wrinkle-free skin just by understanding how to find the best natural light.

module four:

How to Find Great Locations and Backgrounds: Learn how to find locations to elevate your brand on LinkedIn and Instagram and set your photos apart. Discover how to choose backgrounds that make you the focus but add interest to your pictures.

module five:

Set Your Photos Apart with Professional Composition: Bring all your new found skills together with the secrets the pros use to make photos aesthetically pleasing. From discovering how the angle of a picture can give your photo layers of meaning to learning how to direct your viewers gaze - these tips will help you to make your photos jump out on the feed and on your website!

Plus you’ll have lifetime access to these bonuses



Accountability and feedback on your photos

Join the course community and enjoy getting helpful feedback on your pictures from Rosie and other students!


Don’t fear getting stuck!

Every week we have a live call you can join to ask questions on anything selfie related so you don’t need to worry about tech getting the better of you!

what to wear
on camera

No more looking frumpy and shapeless!

Look professional and approachable with my lowdown on what to wear to make your figure look fabulous in your new pictures. Use these tips to stand out online while dressing to align with your personal brand values and emphasise how you want to be seen.


Take your look up a level and look like the best version of yourself

Join my studio makeup artist Giselle as she walks you through how to create a flawless, natural makeup look perfect for looking your best on camera.

behind the scenes

makers selfies

How to shoot maker selfies as a jewellery designer (suitable for any crafter!)

Watch Rosie show jewellery designer Sarah deLarrinaga how to take beautiful photos for craft makers in your own home, including close up detail shots and overhead photos of you working.

selfie planner

Fill out this planner to plan out your dream brand shoot that you’ll be able to implement yourself from your phone!

step by step
posing tutorials

Learn easy flattering poses for all situations in my bonus step by step video guides

exclusive invites to in-person content creation days!

As a Slay Your Selfies member, you’re invited to special in-person content creation days at beautiful location houses where Rosie will be on hand to help you set up your shots for socials (additional cost)

PLUS when you make a one time payment for Slay Your Selfies get a whopping £250 discount off your next professional shoot with Rosie!

By the end of this course you will:

Be able to take your own brand photos for social media like LinkedIn and Instagram without needing to rely on a professional photographer

Have the skills to whip out your phone and snap stunning self-portraits for your business from your own phone, without needing to book in a professional brand photographer!

Start loving how you look in pictures

No more feeling unphotogenic or that the camera hates you. You’ll know how to set up your phone so you can love how you look in photos.

Have a folder of ready-to-go images for LinkedIn and marketing purposes

Never run out of brand photos again1 With this method you’ll be a content creation machine and always have a stock of ready-made photos of yourself to use on LinkedIn and Instagram when inspiration strikes!

Create images that will get you sky-high engagement on your LinkedIn and Instagram posts

Watch your engagement sky-rocket as you start standing out and showing off your new photos on socials. People will love seeing a different side to you and learning more about what you do.

Feel confident in being photographed and never feel unphotogenic again

Never dread the camera again. You’ll have the confidence how to pose, to use light, location and composition to enjoy being in front of the camera rather than always hiding.

Have the skills to take fantastic photos of yourself with clients and giving talks

Show yourself in action on LinkedIn! Whether it’s photos of your one-to-one work or public speaking, no more need to rely on friends in the audience or chasing up pro photographers and having to ask permission to use their photos from events.

Be able to show your processes

Share behind the scenes and show the value in what you do as well as taking beautiful new portraits for your business.

wallpaper designer georgina shows her before selfie compared to her after where she is holding her wallpaper design and smiling showing her best picture poses for instagram

“Although I have lovely wallpapers, I wasn't really showing up online because I didn't feel confident in the way that I was taking selfies.

It’s really important to show up as the face of your business because you can really connect with somebody else. I really enjoy seeing other people’s journeys. Even if I haven't met you, I feel like I have a window into your world. And that's what I want other people to experience with me.

This course has been completely life changing. Now I’ve got amazing, interesting selfies with my wallpapers and with customers.

I feel so much more confident and excited now. I'm going to show up with more confidence and more regularity because I'm going to have a stock of photos and be able to create more going forward!”

Georgina Van Hasselt, Whistling Thorn Designs Ltd

who is a good fit

✅ You’re a complete beginner (even if you’re a tech phobe!)

✅ You have some brand photos already but don’t want to overuse them and bore your audience

✅ You think you’re unphotogenic and feel awkward in front of a camera

✅ You have a mobile phone that can take selfies

✅ You value step by step guidance from a professional brand photographer

✅ You're ready to uplevel your LinkedIn posts and make more money this coming year

✅ You’re a service based or product based business and want to be more forward facing in your marketing

who isn’t a good fit

❌ You already take selfies that you’re perfectly happy with

❌ You consistently have more right-fit client enquiries than you can handle

❌ You aren’t willing to try the new techniques out (it’ll be no good learning the theory if you don’t practise it).

❌ You think text posts and stock photos are enough

❌ You don’t want to be the face of your brand

❌ If you just need better product photos (this is a course about taking great photos of yourself, not product based shots).

brand photographer rosie parsons wears bright yellow and leans against her desk with lemon wallpaper and holding a mug that says lover of all cats

You don’t need to be a tech whiz to get started.

I’ll lay out each simple step to setting up your phone for success.

We’ll then go through the course in a logical step by step path building your skills each week.

I’ll also be available to you for support in the Facebook group, am available on weekly office hours calls for questions and will send regular check-ins to keep you accountable and motivated!

I know it’s not your favourite thing to be photographed, but if you don’t show your face in your business you’re literally turning sales away because your audience can’t know, like and trust you. 🙈

So if you’re committed to completing the course and doing the work to take your business to the next level, I promise I will make the path to beautiful selfies easy and manageable.

How long will it take?

The course is self paced, and designed to ideally be completed over a five week period with time each week to put the photo challenges into practise.

However each week is unlocked when you have completed the last, so if you wish to complete it sooner you can! And if you are a slow learner you have lifetime access so can finish it in your own time.

Just 5 weeks to learn a skill that will help you market your business for a lifetime!

No brainer! 🤯

Computer screen mockup with Slay Your Selfies logo

Slay Your Selfies will transform your online presence

And it’s officially open for enrolment!

slay your selfies computer and ipad mockup of internal contents

3 payments of


one time payment of


other payment options available at checkout

*pay for the course in full and receive a voucher for £250 off your next professional photoshoot with Rosie (perfect for LinkedIn!)

business strategist katherine dyer poses for her new linkedin profile picture against a green wall

katherine is upleveling her brand and has been using her new selfies in her linkedin carousels!

“Before this course, my selfies were functional and I’d just bash them out without much thought. They looked like little effort and that’s not what my business is about. They weren’t a good representation of my business or of me.

I want to take my business to another level and elevate it.

Now I look at my photos and I actually smile! I feel confident being visible online and am excited to have a bank of content that I can keep pulling from so I’m never without great photos for social media.

This course is full of such great tips which make a massive impact, and it’s also helped me create fantastic b roll video content for reels as well.”

Katherine Dyer - The Pocket strategist

linkedin carousel photo of katherine dyer having a meeting with a client
rosie parsons photoshoot for linkedin profile she wears an apricot coloured t shirt which says voila in blue and a blue skirt. she holds a red phone.

Here’s what you’ll get when you enrol during this limited time period

My entire 5 step method to taking pro-looking self portraits for your business

Follow my step by step plan to go from unprofessional slapdash selfies to stunning self portraits you can be proud of, without getting overwhelmed.

Selfie Planner Guide

Use this guide to plan out the photos you’ll need in advance so you have a folder of images to support your marketing goals.

(a £820 value)

Plus these bonuses to help you elevate your marketing even further

self employed coach liz de bakker smiles while wearing a red cardigan for her selfie photoshoot for her linkedin profile

bonus 01

Feedback on your photos

(Worth £395)

Direct access to a premium brand photographer… As part of the course, you’ll be able to post your photos for direct feedback and encouragement on your images from me. I’ll give you advice on how to improve your specific photos so you can keep improving!

bonus 02

Live Office Hours

(Worth £395)

Don’t let tech get the better of you! You can check in with a group live call once a week to ask any tech, set up or selfie questions, so you’ll never get stuck and you’ve always got support!

bonus 03

Facebook Student Community

(Worth £95)

Never feel like you’re on your own! Join our Facebook student community of other women in business just like you who are all looking to elevate their brands. Post questions, network and arrange meetups in your local area.

bonus 04


(Worth £195)

I want you to complete this program so you’ll get the most from the course, so you'll get regular check-ins from me to see how you’re getting on. I’ll help keep you accountable so that you engage with the material and keep focused on your goal (no more half finished courses!).

bonus 05

Makeup Masterclass

(Worth £195)

Join my studio makeup artist Giselle as she walks us through a flawless natural makeup look which will look great on camera!

You’ll be able to follow along as she recommends different products and shows you how to apply them for a natural-looking yet flawless selfie.

bonus 06

What to Wear on Camera

(Worth £95)

Flatter your body shape and show up as the most stylish version of yourself to your clients with this guide on what to wear on camera. I’ll be sharing the best tips for what styles, colours and combinations work best to help you stand out on LinkedIn and Instagram while also looking comfortable and confident.

bonus 07

Behind the scenes: Maker Selfies with Jewellery Designer Sarah deLarrinaga

(Worth £195)

Watch how I show jewellery maker Sarah deLarrinaga how to create stunning self portraits showing her creation process. Suitable for any makers or crafters!

bonus 08

Step by Step Posing Guides

(Worth £95)

Learn easy step-by-step flattering and professional poses especially for beautiful LinkedIn pics that you can go to in every situation!

When you add it all up, that’s a total value of £2480

💗 The entire Slay Your Selfies 5 step method

(£795 value)

💗 Selfie Planner Guide

(£25 value)

💗 Feedback from Rosie on your photos

(£395 value)

💗 Live office hours each week

(£395 value)

💗 Course Facebook Group

(£95 value)

💗 Accountability check-ins

(£195 value)

💗 Makeup Masterclass

(£195 value)

💗 What to Wear on Camera

(£95 value)

💗 Behind the Scenes with Maker Selfies

(£195 value)

💗 Step by Step Posing Guides

(£95 value)

value = £2480

But you can get it all inside Slay Your Selfies today for 👇

3 payments of


one time payment of


other payment options available at checkout

*pay for the course in full and receive a voucher for £250 off your next professional photoshoot with Rosie (perfect for LinkedIn!)

60 day money back guarantee

Your 60 day try it, test it, love it money back guarantee

If you’re on the fence and are not sure whether this course is right for you, I’d love to give you the opportunity to try the materials and test it out. I am so confident that you will love the results that if you do the work and you are not happy with your new photos, I will happily give you back 100% of your investment. You have nothing to lose and an amazing brand presence to achieve!

For more information about this special guarantee, click here

Any questions?

Here’s what other Slayers have asked before joining the course…

  • Each module should take you around half an hour to watch and then I’d recommend spending 30-45 minutes practising taking your new selfies each week. 

  • Absolutely! You do not need any prior knowledge or experience in using your phone camera or any other camera, I will guide you through the whole process.

  • Yes, we start with the settings I recommend so you can follow along. And if you do get stuck on anything we have office hours each week so you can join a call and ask questions.

  • If you struggle with anything on the course you can join our office hours calls each week where you can ask questions.

  • The techniques on this course will work with any camera phone that has a front facing camera (your standard selfie camera).

  • While the course is designed to be completed in 5 weeks you have lifetime access to the content, so if work suddenly takes off after posting your first week of selfies you can come back to complete it in your own time!

  • If you’re on the fence and are not sure whether this course is right for you, I’d love to give you the opportunity to try the materials and test it out. I am so confident that you will love the results that if you do the work and you are not happy with your new photos, I will happily give you back 100% of your investment. You have nothing to lose and an amazing brand presence to achieve!

  • Absolutely! Being a service based business means you can’t show your clients the features of your “product”. So it is crucial that you convey your value and expertise in your photos and selfies. This course is the perfect tool to help you do that!

  • Definitely! We even have a special bonus where I show you the behind the scenes how I helped jewellery designer Sarah deLarrinaga create maker selfies with the techniques from the course. You can use all the steps in the course to help you with creating personal brand photos of you with your products.

  • This course is perfect for anyone who wants to uplevel their personal brand. It is aimed at business owners and solopreneurs however this course will help you to improve your selfies whether you are employed or self employed.

  • No, you have lifetime access to the course so you can complete it in your own time.

Ready to Slay Your Selfies and grow a brand presence to stand out from the competition?

3 payments of


one time payment of


other payment options available at checkout

*pay for the course in full and receive a voucher for £250 off your next professional photoshoot with Rosie (perfect for LinkedIn!)

Imagine your business, looking uber high quality with an online presence to be proud of.

High engagement on your LinkedIn and Instagram posts, being seen as a thought leader, amazing new opportunities and heaps more sales…

When you attract your audience with high-quality photos of yourself and stand up as the face of your brand, your tribe know that they can trust you. You’ll build up customer loyalty and gain a following eager to buy because of who you are, not based on price.

Make posting high-quality social media content on LinkedIn and Instagram easy and become the face of your business by signing up to Slay Your Selfies today. I can’t wait to come on this exciting journey with you!

Rosie x